Other publications

  1. Oxford Primer: Statistical Thermodynamics, Andrew OS Maczek and Anthony JHM Meijer, Oxford University Press, Oxford UK (2017).

  2. Scattering Theory: Predicting the outcome of Chemical Events, Evelyn M Goldfield and Anthony JHM Meijer
    in: “Tutorials in Molecular Reaction Dynamics,” pages 49-87. Editors: M Brouard and C Vallance, RSC Publishing, Cambridge UK.

  3. Time-dependent reactive scattering calculations using parallel computers, Anthony JHM Meijer
    in “Time-dependent quantum dynamics,” page 42.
    SC Althorpe, P Soldan and GG Balint-Kurti (eds.), Collaborative Computational Project on Heavy Particle Dynamics (CCP6), Daresbury UK, 2001.

  4. The energetics and efficiency of H2 formation on surfaces of interstellar grain mimics, David A Williams, David E Williams, David C Clary, Adam Farebrother, Andrew Fisher, Jon Gingell, Richard Jackman, Nigel Mason, Anthony JHM Meijer, James Perry, Steven Price, and Jonathan Rawlings.
    in “Molecular Hydrogen in space,” 99.
    Editors: F. Combes and G. Pineau des Forets, Cambridge University Press, 2000.